ABST COnference 2022 Pictures
Many you no doubt took lots of pictures over the weekend for memories and to look back on. We spent the weekend also taking lots of pictures, of everything from early on Friday Morning until the Saturday evening awards ceremony. We are pleased to confirm that we will be adding the pictures from #abstConference2022 so that you can download and share them on social media, or just keep them to look back on. Colleges and universities and sponsors can also use our pictures demonstrate all of the great skills on show and what this weekend is all about. All we ask if you are going to use them is that you tag us and add the #abstConference2022
Please Note; Due to the size of the files, we have compressed the images. If you require a larger file size that is better quality please email [email protected] detailing which image you require.
Please Note; Due to the size of the files, we have compressed the images. If you require a larger file size that is better quality please email [email protected] detailing which image you require.
Friday 10th June 2022
Early morning Friday of conference before everyone starts to arrive. Here you will find pictures of the ABST Seminars, sponsors tables and our AGM.
Saturday 11th June 2022
Live Competitions
This is what it is all about! Entering "competitions" is great but competing in LIVE competitions, really gives you the opportunity to demonstrate your skills under pressure! We think everyone that entered the LIVE competitions did brilliant and this could be you next year!
The Judges
So here is the behind the scenes judging of our annual competitions. Just under 1000 entries for them to judge. Thank you to all of our judges and competition sponsors.
Lob The Cob
The highlight of Saturday lunchtime. The Lob the Cob Final. Students from all over the country battle it out to see who can throw their cob the furthest. Here are some action shots of the final and congratulations to the winners!
Saturday Evening
The official changing of the office of our president and also some thank you messages and gifts for those that have been recognised as Honorary Life Members such as Graham Turner our ABST Treasurer. Congratulations to Lucas Fussnegger who takes over as ABST President from Keith Houliston, who is now our official Past President.
Awards Ceremony
The ABST Awards Ceremony where first, second and third winners in each competition are called up onto the centre stage to collect their awards and prize money. Congratulations to everyone that took part in our national competitions and well done everyone!